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Our goal is to equip and encourage members and friends within the Presbytery of the Alleghenies. We love seeing the people of God from all walks of life gathering together to fellowship, learn and worship—a small taste of heaven! Camp starts Monday mid-afternoon and goes through lunch on Friday. We encourage you to set aside this week to study God’s Word and to make new friends from other congregations in the presbytery. 


There will be workshop options in the afternoon.


College students will have several special events specifically for them.  


Evening programs include:  (Tuesday), consecration worship service (Wednesday), and a return of the Lightning Olympics! (Thursday).  Campfire songs on Sunset Hill will conclude several evenings during the week. Be sure to enjoy on-site amenities including a new and improved outdoor swimming pool; gymnasium; miniature golf course; outdoor playground; volleyball and tennis courts; and a multi-purpose baseball field.




Daniel Howe is the founding pastor of Christ RP Church in Riverside, Rhode Island and author of Worship, Feasting, Rest, Mercy: The Christian Sabbath (Grassmarket Press, 2023). He was raised in Oswego, New York and is a 2002 graduate of RPTS. He and his wife Esther have five children, three of whom are attending Laurelville this year. They live in an old farmhouse on Rhode Island’s East Bay. 




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For further information, please contact us:

Joel & Tabi Ward

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